PHP - (Fresher 6 month training) Vacancy BIDDER - (Experience min. 2 years) Vacancy Digital Marketing - (Experience min. 2 years) Vacancy Python Developer - (Experience min. 6 month) Vacancy Mean Stack Developer - (Experience min. 2 years) Vacancy Wordpress Developer - (Experience min. 6 month) Vacancy

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The name of the project is The project consists of an informational website and a web App. The idea is to help the users generate quality content using chatGPT. The user can create content for various content types such as Facebook posts, blog posts, Seo Writing, content writing, etc.

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Project Scope

Client’s Industry: Information Technology

Product/Service: Content generation

USP of Services provided by the client:

  • Quality Content
  • Quicker content
  • No plagiarism
  • Save the results

Process Followed

The Process followed here was AGILE METHODOLOGY. We divided the project into smaller epics and user stories using WBS(Work Breakdown structure). These user stories were clubbed into Sprints for 1-2 weeks. The project coordinator conducted daily scrums. Each user story was designed, developed, and tested in the sprints. At the end of the sprint, we used to do sprint retrospectives.

Problems Faced

Client Budget Issue: The budget of the client was lesser than our expectations. We took up this project as we wanted to have a hands-on experience in the chatGPT project. Hence, we decided to work on it

Deadline Management Issue: The deadlines in this project were missed several times because of the complexity of the functionality and the client’s requirements.

Multiple reference issues: The client wanted us to build the functionality taking the reference of the website and provided us with Figma which was completely different in design. He also provided a sheet in which he mentioned the features he required. This created a lot of confusion while creating the flows


 We tried our best to beat the deadlines and deployed junior resources so as to do the cost-cutting

Communication was the best solution to this problem. We started clearing up the issues with the client and approved the flows before continuing on them

We resolved this issue by using the prototypes and also the Flowcharts. This helped us to clear up the flow and complete the tasks faster


We took various measures while the accomplishment of this project. Our client communication was proper. We cleared up everything by asking queries about our doubts to avoid reworks. Also, we kept the client in the loop even if his time zone was a bit different from ours. In conclusion, The best factor in successfully delivering a project is Communication and the rest of the factors come up later.